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What are your gas safety responsibilities as a landlord?

Each year there are around 60 deaths from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in England and Wales. Something that is entirely preventable. As a landlord it is your responsibility to protect your tenants against carbon monoxide poisoning caused by faulty, damaged, or incorrectly installed gas appliances. Enter the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. Created to protect tenants in residential properties, the regulations cover three main areas of responsibility.

    Annual Gas Safety Checks

    You must perform annual gas safety checks covering all gas appliances and flues. These checks need to be carried out by a Gas Safe Registered engineer and should be completed at least once every 12 months. Following a satisfactory result, you’ll be given a Landlord Gas Safety Record or Gas Safety certificate (sometimes referred to as a CP12 certificate)

    Gas Safety Record

    Once you’ve received your Landlord Gas Safety Record you must provide a copy to your tenants within 28 days. New tenants moving in? They’ll need a copy of the record at the beginning of their tenancy.

    Repair and Maintenance

    It’s also your responsibility to maintain the gas pipework in your property and repair any problems. This covers all gas pipework, flues and appliances, except those belonging to the tenants. You’ll need to perform regular inspections and complete any remedial work as soon as it needs doing.

    Who can perform the gas safety checks?

    Even if you think you know what you’re doing, any checks and repair work must be signed off by a Gas Safe Registered engineer. Gas Safe Register is the only official gas registration body of gas businesses and engineers in the United Kingdom. Gas Safe Register replaced CORGI in the UK in 2009, and all gas businesses must be on the Register to trade by law.
    To become Gas Safe registered an engineer must hold a valid and current qualification obtained through a recognised route of training and assessment. A business needs to have at least one gas safety qualified engineer to become registered.

    How does this affect my Landlord insurance?

    Failure to stick to these laws is an offence and can lead to fines and imprisonment. It would also invalidate any insurance policies you’ve taken out to protect yourself.
    If you have any questions about Landlord insurance give our team a call on 01926 495 113.

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