Personal Clients
At Bateman Asset Management, we provide a full range of services to private clients in managing their cash, pensions and investments. We use the “Wrap” system.
A Unique & Modern Concept
This is the very latest valuation, monitoring and trading platform and is the most complete way to manage your assets. The primary factor in understanding “Wrap” is that it is a completely different and unique way of managing your investment and pension funds and that it is not a specific “product” as such – it is a service-related proposition, combined with an efficient, low-cost trading platform.
We offer two levels of service – Platinum & Gold – which are based around delivering the differing levels of service required by each client. These services are paid for by an annual management charge that is expressed as a percentage of the funds under management and payable directly from the plan/platform. With no hidden extra charges, we have designed our fees to reflect our success in the same side of the table as our clients, with one shared goal – to maximise your wealth.
The Benefits to You
Basically “Wrap” (or “IMA” – individual managed account) allows you to aggregate all, or a substantial proportion of your cash, investments and pensions on one client management software platform; on which all the details of each investment are held, updated and automatically re-valued; subject to the constraints of the “Wrap” and the individual insurance companies and fund managers. This platform allows you to use all of the available investment products to manage your holdings in the most tax efficient way. This ensures that you can take advantage of plans such as ISA’s and Offshore bonds, alongside Self Invested Personal Pensions, cash deposits and other vehicles such as stocks & shares. You can manage your holdings in a far more “holistic” approach rather than the often “piecemeal” way that most of us do with different plans with different advisers/insurance companies.
How Bateman Group Can Help
Why The Bateman Group?
- Established since 1967
- Personal client-focused service
- Totally independent experts who review the whole market
- Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
- One of the largest insurance broker & financial advisory firms in Warwickshire
- Experienced support team
- Control of client assets in excess of £120 million
The Benefits
- Independent financial advice
- Reduced provider charges
- Impartial recommendations
- Streamlined administration
- Full range of tax-wrappers & products
- Efficient tax & estate planning
- “Holistic” view of all assets & products
- Detailed reports & summaries
- Detailed asset allocation models
- Online access any time, any place
- Online equity trading system
What Happens Next?
- Arrange an initial meeting to discuss your requirements
- We complete a “Fact-find” & gather full data
- We provide a recommendation report & quotations
- Arrange follow-up meeting to agree on a suitable strategy
- We finalise amendments & plan implementation
- We process & administer all documentation
- Agree & diarise ongoing monitoring service