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Cyberattacks and working from home

Now that working from home is becoming the new norm once again, have you considered the impact this could have on your business' cybersecurity?

    Whilst many of us are hoping for England’s second lockdown to be our last, the truth of the matter is that we just don’t know what could happen next.

    And with your team going back and forth from the office, there’s even more risk right now that something might get overlooked.

    Your business and workforce need to be equipped to work remotely on a permanent basis in order to be reactive to changing circumstances.

    A new global report shows that 82% of IT leaders believe their company risk rating is high for phishing attacks, while 78% are aware of a high risk from internal cyberattacks.*

    Tessian’s report followed the government’s announcement earlier this month, urging office workers to continue working from home where able, highlighting that changes in where people work can happen overnight and should be prepared for.

    Tim Salder – Tessian CEO – stated that “despite all changes, one thing remains the same – the need to keep people safe.”

    Business leaders must understand the strain that remote working can put on IT teams and address the risks people are exposed to.

    Legacy security protocols are no longer equipped to protect distributed workforces and provide visibility into the behaviours of employees who reply on personal devices, risky channels and non-private Wi-Fi to get their jobs done.

    As well as posing a risk to your business financially, working from home can lead to mental health issues for your employees and reduced team morale and productivity.

    Here are some top tips to efficient home working:

    1) Try and replicate your work space as much as possible so your home office feels the same. If you work from two screens in the office, then take them home with you.

    2) Make sure you always get dressed, whilst working in your loungewear is convenient and comfortable, it’s been proven to benefit your mental health to treat it like any other day in the office.

    3) Noise-cancelling headphones are a must if you need to listen to a conference call and have background noise that could cause disruption to you or others.

    4) Try and ensure you have high speed, reliable internet.

    5) Make sure you have a dedicated workspace area; this will help you keep to your regular work routine as much as possible, even though you are not in the office.

    6) As you might not have a desk and chair at home, plan to take more ergonomic breaks allowing you to get up, walk around and have a stretch.

    As we all adapt and adjust to the current conditions it’s important to stay safe not only physically but also when online.
    If you want more information on how you can be cyber secure within your own home or office, then please contact us.

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